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News Coverage
- ¿Puede la cerveza sin alcohol ayudarnos a mantener nuestra salud? / Can non-alcoholic beer help us maintain our health?
- ‘Dry Tripping’ Is The Latest Travel Trend, And Here’s All You Need To Know
- ‘A trend is starting’: France leading way in alcohol-free drinks boom
- ‘It’s Growing Every Day’: The Rise of Non-Alcoholic Bottle Shops and Bars
- 5 key trends that will shape the global beverage alcohol market in 2021
- 5 weed drinks for summer that taste so good they’re dangerous
- 6 Important Alcohol Industry Trends (2023-2026)
- 6 Wine Industry Trends to Watch in 2023
- 8 Reasons to Get Excited About the No-Alcohol Category
- 9 best low-alcohol wines to enjoy without the hangover
- A golden age for nonalcoholic beers, wines and spirits
- Alcohol consumption declining: Why this could be good news for the beverage industry
- Alcohol duty frozen in the UK until 2025
- Alcohol free wine is not impossible, it’s here!
- Alcohol purchasing trends are changing — here’s what the numbers say
- Alcohol-free wine ‘has same heart health benefits’ as the real thing, study says
- Alcohol-free wine’s promise needs buyer boost
- Article in Valente: about Dealcoholized Wine Market, and Europe legislation
- BevZero Equipment Sales and Distribution Enhances Dealcoholization Capabilities with New ClearAlc 300 l/h Demonstration Unit in Spain Facility
- Canada – Rising demand for low and no alcohol beverages this holiday season
- Cannabis Winemaker Jamie Evans on the Future of Hybrid Beverages
- Celebrate Mother’s Day with these 10 Non-Alcoholic Vegan Wine Brands
- Chancellor expected to announce second duty hike
- Chin-chin sin’: destilados y otras bebidas sin alcohol que dan el pego
- Cider Interest Leads to Growth as Considered Best Alternative Alcoholic Beverages to Beer and Wine
- Cider is the Next Craft Beer Movement
- Concern grows over state of U.S. wine market: Wine sales down -4% according to IWSR and SipSource
- Congratulations to the IWSC 2023 Low & No Trophy Winners: Family Torres Wines and All The Bitter!! Click to view all winners!
- Consumer demand for non-alcoholic cocktails rising as nearly half of Americans try to reduce alcohol consumption
- Could nonalcoholic wine be the toast of the town?
- De-alcoholized Wine is One of the Top-Selling Cannabis Infused Beverages in the North Bay
- Demand For Alcohol-free Options Keeps Climbing
- Does Wine Lose Its Spirit When the Alcohol Is Removed?
- Drinks giants’ moves in no-and-low alcohol
- England looks to change ‘alcohol-free’ definition (article by Rachel Arthur in Beverage Daily)
- EU Commission wants to expand wine producers’ opportunities to enter low-alcohol market
- EU Considers Vacuum Distillation for Organic De-alcoholised Wines: A Regulatory Shift
- EU wine reforms aim to tackle oversupply and climate change
- Experts Predict This Fall’s Top Beverage Industry Trends
- Fine aroma, full body… no units: has alcohol-free wine’s moment arrived?
- French Wine Declines as Nolo Category Rises
- Gallup: Young Adults in U.S. Drinking Less Than in Prior Decades
- German Non-Alcoholic Beer Production Sees 74% Growth Over Decade
- Giving Up Alcohol in the Era of Covid-19
- Global Cider Market to Reach Nearly $13 Billion by 2028, Driven by Innovative Flavors and Health-Conscious Consumers – Businesswire
- Global wine trends to watch in 2021
- Growth of $4bn+ Expected from No-Alcohol Category By 2028
- Growth opportunities for the low- and no-alcohol category
- Hard seltzer ‘fatigue’? Babe Wine launches 100-calorie, no-sugar canned wine as an alternative
- Has Everyone Stopped Drinking?
- Health And Wellness Trend Driving U.S. Beverage Industry—And Wine Suffers
- How could changing the definition of ‘alcohol-free’ reshape the UK market? (article by Rachel Arthur)
- How do US consumers choose to moderate their alcohol consumption?
- How Heineken’s using the biggest ever non-alcoholic beer sponsorship to grow the category
- How the wine category is finally muscling in on no- & low-alcohol – Category Intel
- In Focus: Low-and-no Alcohol Wine
- Inside the growing trend of low- and no-alcohol beverages
- Is wine falling behind in low and non-alcoholic drinks?
- It’s early days for non-alcoholic beer in the US, but brands sense potential
- Italian Wine Mag quotes BevZero’s Irem Eren on NA Market
- IWSC 2025 Entries Now Open!
- IWSC announces the 2024 Trophy Winners! Congratulations to Edenvale – winner of the Low & No Producer Trophy!
- IWSC Market Insight: A deep dive into the ‘nolo’ category
- IWSC Market Insight: A deep dive into the ‘nolo’ category
- IWSR expects growth of NOLO sector to continue
- IWSR key findings from the latest Bevtrac wave
- IWSR: Key Statistics and Trends for the US No-Alcohol Market
- IWSR: Key Trends Driving the Global Beverage Alcohol Industry in 2022
- IWSR: No- and Low-Alcohol in Key Global Markets Reaches Almost US$10 Billion in Value
- IWSR: The UK No-Alcohol Market: Key Statistics and Trends
- Kendall-Jackson Launches Low Cal Chardonnay
- Key trends for the US wine market in 2024
- Listen to this Podcast: The Drinking Hour – with host David Kermode, and guests Laura Willoughby/Club Soda and Irem Eren/BevZero
- Listen to this successful WSET session with Irem Eren about the Innovations in No and Low Alcohol Wine
- Low & no alcohol categories show resilience against COVID-19 alcohol declines
- Low and no – the hottest trend in beverages
- Low and no – the hottest trend in beverages
- Low and no moves to the mainstream as moderate drinkers drive boom
- Low and no now accounts for 1% of UK BWS sales – IRI
- Low-alcohol, alcohol-free, non-alcoholic: What does it all mean?
- Low/No Alc Products Drive Incremental Sales, Bring in New Consumers
- Mid-strength alcohol trend is growing fast (10-Mar-2025 by Donna Eastlake)
- Millennials drive no-alcohol gains in the US
- Mind & Body Wines Bring Balance With Fewer Calories And Less Alcohol
- Moderation: is it generational or universal? IWSR analyses the demographics behind the moderation trend
- Navigating Trends: The Rise of Non-alcoholic Beverages in Retail
- No- and low-alcohol category value surpasses $11bn in 2022
- No- and low-alcohol drinks outperform a declining UK alcohol market
- No-alcohol innovation trends
- No-alcohol share of overall alcohol market expected to grow to nearly 4% by 2027
- No-Low Alcohol Wines Hit The U.S., Looking To Gain Traction
- No/low consumption to rise 31% by 2024
- NoLo Alcohol Beverages Market Worth USD 1314.20 million by 2030 at 4.72% CAGR
- NoLo trend driven by drinks brands investing in alcohol-free alternatives
- Non-alcoholic beer, wine, spirits sales surging in US
- Non-Alcoholic Wine and Beer Market to Reach USD 42.37 Billion by 2032, Growing at CAGR 6.47% | Introspective Market Research
- Non-Alcoholic Wine Market To Reach USD 4.9 Billion By 2032 | DataHorizzon Research
- Non-Alcoholic Wines Post Record Gains! Giesen Group From New Zealand Leads Premium Alcohol-Removed Wine Category with 454% Growth
- Nonalcoholic Wine is Gaining Traction with Consumers