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BevZero Equipment proudly partners with CPE as the exclusive distributor of Vinfoil, a unique and efficient tank mixer technology.

The VinFoil Mixer sets the standard for efficiency in cold stabilization and mixing for large volume tanks. Cold stabilization is achieved three times faster than the pump method with a total average energy savings of over 80%.

The VinFoil Mixer’s impeller is engineered to maximize flow and minimize turbulence. The impeller blades are slim at the tip, where the speed is highest, and wide at the base where speed is lowest, allowing all available energy to be transferred into a pure axial flow pattern in the tank. The twist in the blades is computer proportioned to eliminate turbulence.

Try Before You Buy

The VinFoil Mixer offers superior advantages but don’t take our word for it, try it for yourself. Our custom built trial unit is designed to fit any standard tank door size so you can compare the VinFoil Mixer for yourself and see the difference.

For More Information on Vinfoil

Brochure: View for an overview of Vinfoil, the technology and configurations : 2023 Vinfoil Brochure (Click here to view in Spanish)

Application Sheets: View for more information on VinFoil’s capabilities.


To learn more about VinFoil mixers, please view our video.

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