Janos Radvanyi Jr.
Director of Sales / Enologist
Janos was born and lived in his early years in Budapest, Hungary. As a youth, he traveled extensively throughout Europe, lived in Damascus Syria, Washington DC, and New York City as a son of a Hungarian Ambassador. Janos holds a Bachelor of Science in General Science majoring in Chemistry and a Masters in Fermentation Science / Enology with Minors in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Mississippi State University. He started his career in the wine industry in 1978 at the Almaden Vineyard Laboratory. He later worked at other California wineries including Bargetto Winery, Mission Bell Winery (now part of Constellation Brands), R&J Cook Winery and Bronco Wine Company. He also worked supplying the wine and spirits industry its packaging needs at Krones Incorporated, filtration systems at Vintners Supply Corporation, wood and barrel supplies at Trust International Corporation, and bag-in-the-box and flexible bulk packaging at Scholle Packaging, Inc. Additionally, he has judged at several prestigious international and regional wine.