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In order to help us better serve our customers, we are requesting your feedback this brief survey. The survey is intended to gauge how we are doing, and where you think we need to make adjustments. We appreciate your time and thank you for your assistance.

1. What Services do you currently use from BevZero?(Required)
2. How often, on average, do you use BevZero Services?(Required)
3. What Equipment have you inquired about or purchased from BevZero?(Required)
4. How long have you been a BevZero customer?(Required)
5. What location did you work with for your services and/or equipment?(Required)
6. Overall, how satisfied are you BevZero's Customer Service?(Required)
7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the service(s) and/or Equipment you purchased from BevZero?(Required)
10. Would you like someone from BevZero to contact you about our Services and/or Equipment? (If Yes, please leave your contact information below)(Required)